Compare East Renfrewshire against Na h-Eileanan Siar
See how crimes rates, house prices and annual salaries compare between East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar.
Comparing crimes by type for East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar
Showing crimes from this year (2025). Hover or tap on the bars to see estimate numbers for each crime type.
Crime Statistics
See how East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar compare when it comes to number of crimes by type.
Crime Type | Crimes in East Renfrewshire | Crimes in Na h-Eileanan Siar | Difference | % Difference |
Compare crime rate by type for East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar from 2020 to 2025
Use the list to compare crimes in East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar.
Compare Property prices over time for East Renfrewshire and Na h-Eileanan Siar
Showing crimes from 2010 up until October 2024. You can filter the property types by clicking on the type / area chart legend to hide it.
Housing Statistics
View average house prices by year. We show property prices from 2010 up until the current year.
Year | Avg. Detached Price | Avg. Semi-Detached Price | Avg. Terraced Price | Avg. Flat Price |
2023 | £524,491.71 / £201,543.34 | £284,436.33 / £133,155.66 | £215,407.51 / £102,034.87 | £143,629.64 / £96,723.79 |
2022 | £515,926.99 / £196,882.79 | £285,337.36 / £129,399.52 | £216,810.75 / £99,904.38 | £146,964.91 / £95,210.62 |
2021 | £456,743.99 / £163,716.72 | £255,143.92 / £108,045.81 | £195,651.82 / £85,365.48 | £136,036.61 / £81,200.16 |
2020 | £398,849.65 / £153,696.86 | £225,469.06 / £102,130.23 | £173,451.98 / £80,951.06 | £123,530.09 / £78,243.72 |
2019 | £390,946.71 / £147,976.31 | £222,733.19 / £99,155.70 | £172,029.79 / £79,153.67 | £125,468.31 / £77,991.85 |
2018 | £385,238.92 / £133,642.42 | £217,882.38 / £89,129.07 | £168,266.71 / £71,233.16 | £123,838.20 / £70,591.43 |
2017 | £369,623.65 / £123,873.63 | £208,822.76 / £81,703.74 | £161,072.68 / £65,721.43 | £120,795.91 / £65,700.98 |
2016 | £356,284.78 / £124,893.50 | £201,770.07 / £82,572.80 | £156,142.74 / £67,095.05 | £115,535.36 / £65,939.54 |
2015 | £326,157.60 / £121,300.30 | £184,370.18 / £80,812.40 | £143,042.60 / £65,744.10 | £106,168.82 / £65,225.52 |
2014 | £322,433.80 / £121,239.77 | £180,889.63 / £80,912.18 | £141,042.96 / £65,849.02 | £104,888.46 / £66,089.96 |
2013 | £304,781.66 / £120,631.39 | £171,396.96 / £81,161.14 | £134,344.36 / £66,478.41 | £101,292.03 / £67,195.31 |
2012 | £302,852.47 / £130,977.72 | £170,794.11 / £87,476.77 | £133,838.72 / £72,008.34 | £102,165.22 / £73,467.86 |
2011 | £310,592.02 / £124,830.27 | £172,908.98 / £83,052.87 | £134,982.96 / £68,316.75 | £105,250.63 / £70,261.45 |
2010 | £314,598.66 / £119,402.88 | £176,270.25 / £78,524.50 | £138,108.21 / £65,571.68 | £108,504.53 / £67,535.04 |
- Number of Jobs (thousands)
- 37k vs 9k
- Median Salary
- £36,851 vs £24,666
- Annual Percentage Change
- 5.1% vs -9.2%
- Mean Salary
- £43,778 vs £26,116
See how East Renfrewshire compares to other areas in Scotland
Industry | East Renfrewshire Count | Na h-Eileanan Siar Count | Difference | % Difference |
Agriculture | 70 | 320 | -250 | -128.21% |
Production | 120 | 75 | +45 | + 46.15% |
Construction | 310 | 120 | +190 | + 88.37% |
Motor Trades | 55 | 35 | +20 | + 44.44% |
Wholesale | 85 | 20 | +65 | + 123.81% |
Retail | 200 | 90 | +110 | + 75.86% |
Transport | 75 | 45 | +30 | + 50% |
Accommodation Food | 150 | 110 | +40 | + 30.77% |
Information Comms | 190 | 35 | +155 | + 137.78% |
Finance Insurance | 40 | 10 | +30 | + 120% |
Property | 160 | 25 | +135 | + 145.95% |
Professional Scientific Technical | 535 | 105 | +430 | + 134.38% |
Business Admin | 220 | 70 | +150 | + 103.45% |
Public Admin Defence | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Education | 40 | 15 | +25 | + 90.91% |
Health | 165 | 45 | +120 | + 114.29% |
Arts Entertainment | 245 | 65 | +180 | + 116.13% |