Compare Cannock Chase against Newcastle-under-Lyme
See how crimes rates, house prices and annual salaries compare between Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Population comparison
- Population for Cannock Chase
- 101,484
- Population for Newcastle-under-Lyme
- 129,610
- Difference
- -28,126
- Percentage Difference
- -24.34%
People in employment comparison
- # People Employed in Cannock Chase
- 47,065 (74.8%)
- # People Employed in Newcastle-under-Lyme
- 54,305 (71.0%)
- Difference
- 47,065
- Percentage Difference
- -14.28%
People inactive comparison
- # People Inactive in Cannock Chase
- 13,390 (21.3%)
- # People Inactive in Newcastle-under-Lyme
- 19,230 (25.2%)
- Difference
- 13,390
- Percentage Difference
- -35.81%
Unemployment comparison
- # People unemployed in Cannock Chase
- 2,465 (3.9%)
- # People unemployed in Newcastle-under-Lyme
- 2,910 (3.8%)
- Difference
- 2,465
- Percentage Difference
- -16.56%
Comparing crimes by type for Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme
Showing crimes from this year (2025). Hover or tap on the bars to see estimate numbers for each crime type.
Crime Statistics
See how Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme compare when it comes to number of crimes by type.
Crime Type | Crimes in Cannock Chase | Crimes in Newcastle-under-Lyme | Difference | % Difference |
Vehicle crime | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Other crime | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Violence and sexual offences | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Criminal damage and arson | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Possession of weapons | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Robbery | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Drugs | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Burglary | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Public order | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Theft from the person | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Bicycle theft | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Anti-social behaviour | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Shoplifting | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Other theft | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A |
Compare crime rate by type for Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme from 2020 to 2025
Use the list to compare crimes in Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Compare Property prices over time for Cannock Chase and Newcastle-under-Lyme
Showing crimes from 2010 up until December 2024. You can filter the property types by clicking on the type / area chart legend to hide it.
Housing Statistics
View average house prices by year. We show property prices from 2010 up until the current year.
Year | Avg. Detached Price | Avg. Semi-Detached Price | Avg. Terraced Price | Avg. Flat Price |
2023 | £349,908.30 / £292,709.98 | £214,459.77 / £184,179.09 | £184,930.78 / £144,591.24 | £112,179.17 / £126,690.25 |
2022 | £327,047.39 / £287,240.47 | £202,027.37 / £181,414.37 | £175,200.11 / £143,220.31 | £107,168.20 / £125,084.53 |
2021 | £292,302.66 / £259,951.30 | £180,851.09 / £164,193.82 | £157,631.79 / £130,133.91 | £100,284.72 / £115,650.42 |
2020 | £263,738.08 / £239,325.23 | £164,473.35 / £152,264.77 | £143,030.08 / £120,233.10 | £93,820.69 / £110,196.74 |
2019 | £250,279.15 / £234,260.90 | £156,296.01 / £148,938.27 | £136,052.13 / £117,635.69 | £91,681.13 / £110,394.44 |
2018 | £241,658.00 / £227,279.74 | £150,505.27 / £144,168.00 | £131,400.48 / £114,129.38 | £89,902.85 / £108,718.45 |
2017 | £231,061.75 / £215,861.72 | £143,609.65 / £136,382.58 | £125,919.21 / £108,517.98 | £88,163.09 / £105,222.88 |
2016 | £219,282.77 / £208,007.96 | £136,699.37 / £131,489.40 | £120,518.92 / £105,317.21 | £82,846.96 / £99,411.25 |
2015 | £208,611.76 / £199,571.50 | £130,189.48 / £126,218.73 | £115,381.12 / £101,463.47 | £79,273.37 / £95,740.96 |
2014 | £201,767.34 / £190,950.59 | £126,253.22 / £121,328.07 | £112,411.34 / £98,195.09 | £77,131.98 / £92,895.30 |
2013 | £187,967.85 / £183,587.31 | £116,849.67 / £116,161.49 | £104,539.88 / £94,223.92 | £71,834.06 / £89,390.89 |
2012 | £186,757.55 / £179,196.97 | £115,973.92 / £113,873.96 | £103,576.97 / £92,418.95 | £71,977.22 / £88,970.40 |
2011 | £184,190.26 / £182,117.36 | £113,324.58 / £114,479.36 | £101,116.72 / £92,980.36 | £71,191.23 / £90,226.28 |
2010 | £185,269.08 / £187,022.67 | £115,239.77 / £118,986.05 | £102,948.34 / £97,082.29 | £72,585.00 / £94,026.62 |
- Number of Jobs (thousands)
- 37k vs 45k
- Median Salary
- £24,736 vs £25,167
- Annual Percentage Change
- -4.6% vs 3.6%
- Mean Salary
- £26,699 vs £27,028
See how Cannock Chase compares to other areas in West Midlands
Industry | Cannock Chase Count | Newcastle-under-Lyme Count | Difference | % Difference |
Agriculture | 20 | 185 | -165 | -160.98% |
Production | 330 | 250 | +80 | + 27.59% |
Construction | 830 | 520 | +310 | + 45.93% |
Motor Trades | 165 | 135 | +30 | + 20% |
Wholesale | 185 | 185 | 0 | 0% |
Retail | 280 | 285 | -5 | -1.77% |
Transport | 415 | 230 | +185 | + 57.36% |
Accommodation Food | 300 | 265 | +35 | + 12.39% |
Information Comms | 115 | 200 | -85 | -53.97% |
Finance Insurance | 55 | 60 | -5 | -8.7% |
Property | 105 | 125 | -20 | -17.39% |
Professional Scientific Technical | 410 | 485 | -75 | -16.76% |
Business Admin | 315 | 235 | +80 | + 29.09% |
Public Admin Defence | 10 | 5 | +5 | + 66.67% |
Education | 55 | 60 | -5 | -8.7% |
Health | 100 | 180 | -80 | -57.14% |
Arts Entertainment | 220 | 285 | -65 | -25.74% |